At Pine Ridge Dental, we provide full and complete traditional orthodontics services, from braces, to palate expanders, to underbite correction, and more.

Our philosophy behind orthodontics lies in early interception. Monitoring and assisting the growth of the jaw, palate, and teeth can greatly reduce complications down the road, including the need for oral surgery. Teeth will come in straight if given the space, so rather than wait until problems occur, we create the means for teeth to grow optimally, assuring that teeth have room to come in and are correct from the moment adult teeth start to appear.

Early Interceptive Orthodontics

Early inception orthodontics is ideally done between ages 7-10, when the jaw, palate, and teeth are still forming. Guiding teeth into the correct position early on allows for a more natural bite and smile design.

If you have questions about interceptive orthodontics, please give us a call today.


Give our knowledgable staff a call today!

At Pine Ridge Dental, we provide full and complete traditional orthodontics services, from braces, to palate expanders, to underbite correction, and more. Give us a call at 763-856-5100 or visit us at 26273 2nd Street E , Suite A, Zimmerman, MN 55398