At Pine Ridge Dental we can help build you a new smile from the ground up. Our approach to dentures ensures maximum comfort and the most convincing smile that modern technology can provide.
A new smile isn’t simply a matter of emulating straight white teeth. At Pine Ridge Dental, we take a customized approach to your dentures, looking at your facial structure, tooth color, aesthetics, jaw function, and comfort preferences to build your new teeth. Because the comfort and function of dentures are affected by the structure and health of teeth, gums, and bones, no two dentures can be made alike. Each must be tailored to the individual to assure the best smile appearance and chewing function.
Individualized Approach to Dentures
Because of our individual approach to dentures, we may provide the option of creating a “first draft” of your dentures. This first draft lets you test and customize the fit of your dentures before committing to the final result. We also take extra care to make sure your final dentures look as realistic as possible.
If you have questions or are curious about more information, please contact Pine Ridge Dental today.